Target Clientele / Marketing


    A great deal of time, effort, and money has been invested into finding the right types of clients for our business. In order to do this, proper marketing materials need to be produced with a powerful attention to detail. These include advertisements, business cards, truck logos, shirts, letterhead, envelopes, postcards, website, and more. A small sampling of our marketing materials are shown below. These materials combine to deliver a strong message to the community. We are a business that is focused on quality and customer service.

    With a professionally developed, well targeted image, you will have a huge leg up on the competition when it comes to new sales.

Your Career Status

Student / Intern
Recent or Upcoming College Graduate
Middle Management (Asst. Superintendent)
Manager Superintendent Business Owner

About Teed & Brown

Career Home Page
Mission Statement
Letter from Our Founders
History of Teed & Brown
Services We Provide
Benefits of Ownership
Current Territories
Target Clientele / Marketing
Properties We Manage
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