Services We Provide


Early Spring Lawn Care Service (#1):

Crabgrass Prevention:

Spring Fertilizer:

Spot Seeding:

Late Spring Lawn Care Service (#2)

Booster Crabgrass Control: 

Broadleaf Weed Control:

Spot Seeding:

Early Summer Lawn Care Service (#3):

Summer Fertilizer:

Grub Control:

Late Summer Lawn Care Service (#4):

Summer Weed Control:

Insect Control:

Early Fall Lawn Care Service (#5):

Fall Fertilizer:

Spot Seeding:

Mid-Fall Lawn Care Service (#6):

Soil Amendment:

Seeding Touch-Up:

Late Fall Lawn Care Service (#7):


Teed & Brown provides comprehensive fertilization and treatment services for home owners. Teed & Brown does not provide full landscape services nor do we mow lawns or clean up leaves. Click on any heading to get a more detailed description.

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About Teed & Brown

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Mission Statement
Letter from Our Founders
History of Teed & Brown
Services We Provide
Benefits of Ownership
Current Territories
Target Clientele / Marketing
Properties We Manage
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